

  • [网盘]ABPLC编程软件RSlogix500-2.48GB


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      资源简介:CompactLogix教程-3编程介绍.flv - 127.74MBCompactLogix教程-2编程入门.flvCompactLogix5000视频教程AB视频教程+视频播放器第31-32学时.csf - 80.83MB第29-30学时.csf - 126.49MB第27-28学时.csf - 131.14MB第25-26学时.csf - 125.34MB第23-24学时.csf - 123.27MB......

  • 基于低噪声CMOS图像传感器的成像电路设计与实现


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      资源简介:为了适应图像传感系统日益提高的性能需求,采用E2V公司的低噪声CMOS图像传感器设计一种的集成度高、灵活简便的成像电路。该成像电路由电源模块、驱动模块、数据处理模块、时序控制模块等组成。FPGA作为主控芯片产生所需的驱动时序和控制信号,上位机通过千兆以太网卡对成像系统进行采集和控制,最后对成像系统进行噪声和成像测试,试验结果表明,在室温的条件下,8ms积分时间系统的平均噪声为0.64LSB,可以满足需求。The imaging circuit With flexible , simply and high integration based on E2V' low-noise CMOS image sensor is designed to meet the increasing performance requirements on imaging system. This circuit of imaging system consists of power module, driver module, data processing module, timing control module and so on. FPGA is used as the main control chip to generate the required drive timing and control signals and the upper computer drive and control the imaging system through the gigabit Ethernet card. Finally, the noise and imaging tests are carried out, and the experimental result shows that the system average noise of the 8ms integration time is 0.64LSB at room temperatures and meets requirement.

  • [网盘]2019最新Django全套教程-7.94GB


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      资源简介:Day05Day04Day03Day02Day012019最新Django全套教程【千锋Python】-封面图.png - 110.64KB千锋Python教程:09.数据常规操作,级联数据2.mp4 - 202.49MB千锋Python教程:08.数据常规操作,级联数据1.mp4 - 185.07MB......

  • 一种变频一拖二电路的设计


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  • [网盘]奔驰超级工程师DTS编程(2016版-51.85GB


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      资源简介:奔驰Vediamo工程师编程 - 2.52MB奔驰Vediamo软件编程视频第2天奔驰Vediamo软件编程视频第1天EGS工程师编程后在线设码.tvs221187左前门在线编程.tvsC面(23至32)奔驰DTS编程B面(13至22)奔驰DTS编程A面(1至12)奔驰DTS编程 - 25.16MB(07)复习创建数据库导入编程数据 .wmv - 30.24MB......

  • [网盘]Mastercam2017编程初学全套-4.01GB


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      资源简介:Mastercam 2017编程初学全套视频教程DVD2.rar - 2.02GBMastercam 2017编程初学全套视频教程DVD1.rar - 1.87GB其它教程 2019.11.08.rar - 25.56KB打开视频提示错误需改名.png - 259.20KBMC2017 刀路图档.rar - 18.02MB4第四节 常用功能的设定.mp4 - 102.13MB

  • 水下生产控制系统供电电压降落分析及方案设计


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      资源简介:水下长电缆供电系统电压降落分析是水下远距离生产控制系统供电方案设计的关键环节之一,主要影响因素有负荷大小、电缆长度、电缆横截面积等。通过建立等值电路模型进行水下生产控制系统供电分析,计算水下生产控制系统供电电压和电缆截面,对比不同电压等级和电缆截面下的电压降落,得出最佳的供电系统设计方案。应用本文方法对荔湾3—1气田水下生产控制系统不同供电方案进行了比较,推荐了合理的供电电压和经济的电缆截面配置,为今后长距离水下生产控制系统供电方案的设计积累了经验。Analysis of voltage drop in the long cables is one of the key steps in the power supply design for remote subsea production control systems. The long cable's voltage drop is mainly affected by the load, length, cross section area of the cable and etc. In this paper, the equivalent circuit model was established to analyze the power supply of subsea production control systems, calculate the supply voltage as well as the cable section, and compare the voltage drops at different voltage levels and different cable cross sec- tions, and finally, to obtain the optimal power supply scheme. The method was used to compare the vari- ous power supply schemes of LW3-1 gas field subsea control system, and recommended the reaso...

  • [网盘]PowerMILL2012四轴五轴编程加-5.85GB


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      资源简介:PM 5轴后处理五轴结构基础.wmv - 759.85MB9-教程7.rar - 169.76MB8-教程6.rar - 177.82MB7-教程5.rar - 208.82MB6-教程4.rar - 249.98MB5-教程3.rar - 180.71MB4-教程2.rar - 216.83MB3-教程1.rar - 141.35MB......

  • [网盘]PowerMIL编程视频教程零基础起-67.59GB


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      资源简介:1-PowerMill编程视频教程资料赠送PowerMill2019编程视频教程PowerMill2017编程教程视频39-编程刀路案例讲解39-编程刀路案例讲解.avi - 121.39MB2-赠送PM编程2 - 14.88MB1-赠送PM编程案例1 - 1.76MB送5轴编程文档练习一套.rar - 4.21MBPowerMILL编程视频8.0......

  • 用电势分析法解一段含源电路和复杂电路


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  • [网盘]欧姆龙PLC编程40-13.29GB


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      资源简介:视频 欧姆龙CP1E 编程与应用视频 - 78.42MB9课 CP1E 编程.wmv - 128.95MB8课 CP1E 编程.wmv - 102.01MB7课 CP1E 编程.wmv - 200.24MB6课 CP1E 编程.wmv - 82.44MB5课 CP1E 编程.wmv - 154.50MB4课 CP1E 编程.wmv - 86.86MB2课 CP1E 编程.wmv - 170.23MB1课 CP1E 编程.wmv - 82.29MB......

  • 舰船磁场信号采集电路的设计


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      资源简介:基于解决传统舰船测磁仪信号采集电路不能获得真实三分量磁场信号、电路结构复杂且故障率高,不能实时准确获得探头深度等问题。设计了一个用于舰船测磁仪上的信号采集电路。利用高灵敏度三轴磁通门传感器Mag-03获取舰船磁场信号,用谐波选择法获得的感应电动势的二次谐波分量来度量磁场信号,同时根据舰船测磁实际需求设计了深度传感器。应用环境下,本系统可以使舰船测磁仪达到0~±60μT的测量精度,并误差≯1%。通过实际使用,证明这样设计出的信号采集电路使便携式测磁仪变得更加简单有效。In order to solve the traditional ship magnetometer signal acquisition circuit cannot get the real three-component magnetic field signal, the circuit structure is complex and the failure rate is high, cannot obtain the depth of the probe in time and so on.Designed a signal acquisition circuit for the ship magnetometer. The circuit uses the high-sensitivity three-axis fluxgate sensor Mag-03 to obtain the shipJs magnetic field signal, and obtains the second harmonic component of the induced electromotive force by the harmonic selection method to measure the magnetic field signal. At the same time, according to the actual demand of the ship magnetometer Depth sensor. In the application environment, the syste...

  • 浅谈电工基础中电路仿真软件的应用


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  • 教学用电压表解电路故障题的教学反思


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  • 一种漏感可调的平面变压器


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  • 齿轮测量机测头数据采集电路设计


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      资源简介:为提高蜗杆测量精度,设计了新的测量机测头数据采集电路。基于FPGA并采用自顶向下设计方法和Verilog HDL编程技术,设计了采集电路的逻辑控制模块。基于AD977设计了三通道模数转换电路,每通道由独立的模数转换器及其前端信号调理电路构成。FPGA与前端模数转换电路以及后端数据总线之间均设计了电平转换电路。对所设计电路在测量机上进行了综合噪声实际测试,结果表明所采集数据的样本标准差均低于0.5μm,达到了预期目的。The new data acquisition circuit of the probe was designed for improving the measurement accuracy of the worm on the gear measuring machine. The top-down design method was used in the FPGA implementation based on the Verilog HDL for the logic control module. The AD977 was adopted in analog -to-digital conversion circuit consisted of three independent channels and each channel contains an A/D converter and its signal disposal circuit. The level shift circuit was used in both the FPGA front-end interface with the A/D and the FPGA after-end interface with the data bus. Comprehensive noise measurement was carried out for the data acquisition circuit. The results show that the sample standard deviation of the data collected is less th...

  • 汽车电路图的识读技巧与方法


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      资源简介:一、汽车电路原理图的识读技巧 汽车电路原理图只表明组成汽车电路的各个电气设备的工作原理,如电流走向、流过电气装置的顺序等,图上的导线只表明各电气设备及其间的相互联系,而不代表实际安装位置。汽车电路原理图中电气装置的布置顺序从左到右、从上到下为:供电电源(特别是蓄电池)在左,用电器在右,各局部电路尽量画在一起;火线在上,搭铁线在下。

  • 无铅低熔点耐酸玻璃粉的研制


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      资源简介:采用高温熔融水淬的方法,制备了无铅低熔点耐酸玻璃粉,研究了化学组分及其含量对无铅玻璃耐酸性的影响。结果表明:当质量分数w(Bi2O3)为50%60%,w(B2O3)为10%12%,w(SiO2)为20%30%,w(Al2O3)为3%5%,w(Li2O)为1%3%时,可获得膨胀系数在(6575)×10–7/℃,软化点在480490℃,玻化温度在(600±10)℃,附着力优良,在质量分数5%的H2SO4中浸泡48 h,玻璃的光泽基本不变的无铅玻璃粉。Lead-free glass was synthesized through high-temperature melting, water quenching and grinding. The effect of the composition and content on the acid resistance property was researched. The results indicate that when the glass is synthesized with mass fraction of 50%-60% Bi2O3, 10%-12% B2O3, 20%-30% SiO2, 3%-5% Al2O3 and 1%-3% Li2O. The acid resistant and lower melting point lead-free glass is obtained, with the thermal expansion coefficient of(6575)×10–7/℃, the soften point of 480490 ℃, and the glass transition temperature of(600±10) ℃. Glassy luster is invariant after dipping in 5%(mass fraction) H2SO4 for 48 h.