

  • UBA2028 600V dimmable power IC for Compact Fluorescent Lamps

    The UBA2028 is a high voltage power IC intended to drive and control electronically ballasted Com


    标签: Fluorescent dimmable Compact

    上传时间: 2021-01-03


  • 飞思卡尔2.4G PCB天线设计

    1Introduction Good antenna design is the most critical factor in obtaining good range and stable throughput in a wireless application. This is especially true in low power and compact designs, where antenna space is less than optimal. However, several compact, cost efficient, and very effective opti ...


    标签: pcb 天线

    上传时间: 2021-05-22


  • Matlab-R2012a官方教程-MATLAB Coder User′s Guide

    Generate code that is compact and fast, which is essential for real-time simulators, on-target rapid prototyping boards, microprocessors used in mass production, and embedded systems.Customize the appearance of the generated code.Optimize the generated code for a specific target environment.Enable t ...


    标签: matlab

    上传时间: 2021-05-27


  • 嵌入式系统中电源管理电路的设计与实现

    针对大部分嵌入式系统的电池电源管理问题,设计了一种为嵌入式系统——尤其是应用在手持式和便携式设备的嵌入式系统进行电源管理的单元电路模块。该电源管理电路以MAX8903为核心,具有输入范围宽、体积紧凑、外围电路简单、工作效率较高等优点,可以在嵌入式系统中用来管理电池充电、电源选择、电源检测等,很好地满足了电源管 ...


    标签: 嵌入式系统 电源管理

    上传时间: 2022-09-07
