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芯片层次化物理设计给布局布线、时序收敛都带来了很大挑战。在顶层布局布线阶段,子模块相当于障碍物,当连线遇到较大障碍阻挡时,EDA工具不能够妥善处理,从而遗留较多Capacitance/Slew违规。本文从工程中遇到的实际问题出发,提出了一种Capacitance/Slew避障修正的方法,并在多个基于45 nm及65 nm工艺节点的专用集成电路项目上成功应用。实验结果表明,该方法能够快速修正因障碍导致的Capacitance/Slew违规,加快芯片上市时间。

Hierarchical physical design pose a big challenge to place and route in deep sub-micron ASIC designs,for the EDA tools having trouble to avoid the large obstacles on the top level.This paper proposes a method of obstacle avoiding slew-fix for hierarchical physical design.It has been already applied on several chips in 45nm and 65nm technology,the result shows it can help to achieve rapid time-to-market.

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